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First steps are always difficult, especially when it comes to completely new and revolutionary approach like it is the case with philosophy introduced by WhizBase. Unfortunately, these difficulties can destroy your enthusiasm, and make you give up before even trying. Therefore, instead of writing a "how to� book that may confuse you even more, we encourage every trial user to contact us without hesitation for any kind of assistance with their projects.
If you do not understand our sample projects, email us your questions or contact us via Skype or our on-line chat support. If you have difficulties finding the best way to complete a task using WhizBase, describe the task to us and we’ll suggest the best way for accomplishing it.
If you started developing a solution using WhizBase, and some of scripts return the error, pack your project (with dummy data in database) and email it to us, we’ll be glad to assist you.
Whatever happens we are here for you, so, please do not give up without trying.
WhizBase support team's primary duty is answering questions asked by our users, so please let them earn their salary. Even if you are not registered WhizBase user (i.e. if you use WhizBase for evaluation purposes), please feel free to ask our support team any question that you think might help you in learning more about the WhizBase.
Please do not hesitate to ask if you feel you need more info, even if the question is already answered through the manual or sample projects.
Email us your question at support@whizbase.com.
With respect to technical information you provide to us as part of the support service, we may use such information for our business purposes, including (but not limited to) for product support and development. Such information may also be included (posted) in FAQ.
We are in no obligation to personally identify you or to mention your name in any way and in any material connected to information you provide.